° BLOG °
" For People Who Want To Style & Design Their Profiles "

Khak Reflect


° Welcome To KhAk's Myspace Designing & Styling °

This website is purely private and pursues to no
financial interests.

The site has originated from pure desire and fun primary, and was filled bit by bit more illustrated.

The purpose of the present is a hobby than business. Finally, the purpose should give the Myspacers an assistance to style and design their profiles.


Myspace permanently makes some changes and updated its base code. I will also try, as far as possible, update the site regularly.

All codes are tested carefully (FF & IE) and function perfectly.
However, because by experience in Myspace every profile is a bit different in its coding, it could be that some of the codes have not the desired effect in your profile.
By the way, they are not committed to have even effect.

© Copyright 2006- by KhAk